February 2nd, 2024

What is The Blazer?

It’s no secret that the Blazer and the Jacket are diametrically opposed publications. It’s even in the motto: “A more sophisticated publication,” referring to sophistication in relatives, and in this case, in greater thans. Truthfully, the Blazer and The Jacket are only opposed for the entertainment of the readers. In reality, we hold great respect for The Jacket. However, we recognize that being the face of the school, having tangible leadership, and wanting to win awards, often inhibits a writer's potential. Too often, The Jacket is forced to play the center, existing in a space between both sides, forced to acknowledge the “good points” made by both parties; the coverage of the ongoing genocide in Palestine made no clear stance. We believe it is the imperative of a media outlet to use its voice for good, but the Jacket is fettered in this respect, save for the godforsaken Opinion section.

From last year’s Blazer Editors: “We are founded on the basis of understanding that other publications have concerns, such as winning awards, and have a staff who’s futures may be legitimately benefitted by their role on the team. This has created a lot of censorship, which, as The Blazer has pointed out, causes the articles to be bland and unentertaining. But more importantly, it prevents the articles from covering a lot more serious and more intense content.”

The Blazer exists to publish what the Jacket cannot. If you have any art, any writings, any thoughts, anything in print, we encourage you to submit it to the Blazer. We are a newspaper for the people.

You can be a part of our mission too; to write for the Blazer, simply make your interest known through our Instagram @bhsblazerest, or our email: bhsblazerest@gmail.com.

Also, from The Blazer: Free Palestine.